Located at the back of the mouth, these third set of molars aka wisdom teeth, erupt between the ages of 17 and 25 years of age. It is quite normal to have the wisdom tooth removed, as they usually don’t grow normally. They would either be impacted or grow at a wrong angle. When you opt for an affordable wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney, you will be administered with anaesthesia during the removal procedure. If your wisdom teeth haven’t erupted yet, your surgeon might make incisions to remove them. After removing the wisdom tooth, they will clean the surgical area and add stitches to cover the incision site. Also, they will place gauze over the extracted area.
What you eat after the wisdom teeth removal is important, as it helps to heal the wound faster. But, whatever you place in your mouth must not irritate the surgical site. Also some food particles might get trapped in the extraction sites, which might lead to infection. So it is important to follow your doctor’s advice on what you should eat after the wisdom teeth removal Sydney process.
After the wisdom tooth removal process, it is okay to pamper yourself a bit! Eat ice cream of your favourite flavours, as its cold nature soothes the inflamed tissue and fosters a quick healing process. Eat ice creams at least for a couple of days after the surgery, as it requires minimal efforts to eat. But, avoid the crunchy textured ice creams, as there are chances of small bits getting stuck on the extraction site, which might infect the site.
Soups are a healthy option for the wisdom teeth removal patients. Though you might not feel eating soups for about 2 days post-surgery, it can actually provide you with a lot of protein. So don’t miss to enjoy warm soup to get the nutrient supplements and to maintain a healthy diet after the surgery. But, don’t consume it hot. Also avoid soups with large chunks of vegetables of meat, as there are chances that it might get accumulated on the surgical site.
Smoothies and milkshakes are packed with proteins and nutrients. They are also a delicious treat after the affordable wisdom teeth removal Sydney process. To further enrich your shakes and smoothies, you can include protein powder or meal replacement packet. But you must be cautious when enjoying your smoothies and milkshakes after wisdom tooth surgery. Never consume them using a straw. The pressure that you use to suck can upset the healing site ending up in dry sockets.
Usually the oral and maxillofacial surgeons advice to avoid the following foods from your diet list after the wisdom teeth removal Sydney, they are – Carbonated drinks, sparkling waters, sodas, popcorn, hard nuts, Acidic fruits, chewy foods/candies, hot drinks, and spicy foods. This is because, all these foods on the list has the possibility to irritate the gum tissues, complicating the healing process.