Wisdom teeth removal is a popular procedure that involves extraction of impacted wisdom teeth to eliminate dental problems. The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney is also reasonable these days. Wisdom teeth has to be removed as it causes pain, discomfort, tooth decay, infections, and more. Once the extraction procedure is done, you are supposed to rest for a few days until you are completely recovered.
During the recovery process, you should be extra careful on what you eat. Consume soft foods that doesn’t require chewing, so that the surgical site wouldn’t be affected. Here are 5 suggested soft foods that supply the right nutrients for quick recovery:
Applesauce features a smooth texture, making it an ideal food for proper recovery. Applesauce is rich in vitamin C and dietary fibre, which will facilitate the healing process while also preventing soreness. Make applesauce even healthier by reducing sugar content and using fresh ingredients.
Greek yoghurt is yet another healthy food that is rich in protein. Just like applesauce, Greek yoghurt also has a smooth and creamy texture that makes it easy to consume. Also, the protein content speeds up the recovery process, thus making it a highly suggested food after cheap wisdom tooth removal in Sydney.
Soups are a perfect addition to your wisdom teeth recovery diet. Soups such as tomato soup supplies the essential minerals and vitamins present in fruits and vegetables. Since you won’t be able to chew fruits and vegetables, soups are a great alternative. They also hydrate your body, which will help with recovery. Be informed that you should not consume soup when it’s too hot, since it might cause discomfort.
Being made from a variety of fruits, smoothies are rich in nutrients and proteins. They are not just delicious, but are a perfect meal replacement as well. Make it extra tasty and healthy with the addition of a scoop of Greek yoghurt. Remember that you should never consume liquid foods using a straw. This is because the pressure that you exert will disturb the surgical site, thereby leading to dry sockets. Dry sockets are painful and cannot be easily treated with medication.
Potatoes contain adequate calories and nutrients that are vital for recovery. Your body might need extra energy after tooth extraction for proper recovery, thus making mashed potatoes the perfect recovery food.
You might understand by now that you don’t have to sacrifice all of your favourite foods for proper recovery. Delicious, yet healthy food choices would suffice for a smooth healing after tooth extraction. Recognised dental specialists will charge reasonable wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney that would vary depending on your condition, and ensure that your healing process will be as much comfortable as possible.
Besides the aforementioned foods, always remember to follow the dentist’s instructions for easy recovery. If you have any questions about the procedure such as the wisdom teeth removal price in Sydney, contact a specialist today.